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Impactful ways you can help Fetcher Dog and the dogs in our care and street dogs in the UK and Bosnia?


At the end of each month we ask if people can help us with the various costs we have relating to the rescue, from feeding, cleaning products, medication, vet care. rent or kennelling fees, transport, petrol, equipment, basics. such as black sacks, washing powder, washing up liquid, hazardous waste disposal, general waste disposal, recycle disposal. To name but a few.

To try and keep up with the many costs we incur we ask if people could donate to us, on a regular monthly basis.

Any amount from a Pound for the Hounds to, a regular Friday Fiver at the end of each month or any amount you can help with.

Some of our supporters and adopters are already signed up to this and we are do grateful, as without you we couldn't keep going and help so many dogs.

So if you haven't signed up already please consider helping us. You can donate in various different ways, such as Pay Pal giving at

This enables us to also receive gift aid on your donations or through the bank set up a regular direct debit.

Again if you request a multiple donation form or give us permission to ask the tax man for gift aid on your donations, we get an extra 25p in the pound. It all mounts up.

So we can save as many dogs as we can, whilst making sure their needs are met.

So if you haven't signed up already please do. Bank details if you want to set up a direct debit are as follows.

Fetcher Dog Account
Lloyds bank.
Account number 81003468
Sort code: 30-65-22


Please help us to keep all of the balls in the air and to keep all of our dogs safe both here in the UK and abroad.

Thank You

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