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Volunteers required at Fetcher Dog, Volunteer your Time, Skills or Services!


We are looking for volunteers at the rescue centre in Hastingleigh, Kent (TN25 5HE), you can pick your days and we have a weekly meet up:

- Every Sunday we run a volunteer group (10.30-4.30), jobs include, garden maintenance, general cleaning and painting.

- We also have volunteers that help us in university summer holidays.

There are many different ways to volunteer your time, your services and your skills to support the work of Fetcher Dog.

- Volunteer your Time - Fetcher Dog are always looking for people to work at the rescue centre. Jobs to be done are mainly the cleaning of the centre, linen, general cleaning and, of course, kennel cleaning. This is generally 11.00-3.00 daily.

- Volunteer your Time - Local Community Engagement - Fetcher Dog are always looking for people to help with jumble sales, on-line auctions, quiz nights and shaky bucket days

- Volunteer your Time - Administration - Fetcher Dog are always looking for people to help with the administration of the charity, the role includes telephone answering, message taking and general administration duties.

- Volunteer your Skills/Services - Over the last year local businesses have stepped forward to offer their services and expertise, whether that is fixing and replacing taps, repairing locks on doors, painting the centre and even offering advice and solutions on sound proofing our kennel block.

Volunteer your Skills/Services - Individuals have volunteered their skills by helping us with grant applications, advising us on fundraising and setting up events, financial service and accountancy advice and sharing their sales and marketing expertise.

Volunteer your Skills/Services - Individuals have volunteered their skills such as dog training and dog grooming, which are essential to the well being of the dogs.

These are just some of the ways people can help, have you a skill that could benefit our charity?

If you are over 18 years of age and would like to volunteer your time, your skills or your services, please contact Jordan at

Thank You

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