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A week at the Fetcher Dog Rescue Centre - pictured is our sweet boy Cheddar


From time to time people ask 'what is it like to work at a dog rescue centre' so I thought I would describe the last week, which has been busy to say the least, for the three members of staff at the centre.

Centre Doggie sick list:

Cheddar, who broke his wrist, has had surgery, is back at the centre and starting his rehabilitation, he has been making regular trips back and forth to Barton Vets in Canterbury, Bingo who is recovering from kennel cough has been back and forth to the Lord Whiskey Sanctuary for antibiotics, they are both receiving excellent care. Aubrey, who was in foster care with Tori, in Scotland, is now back at the centre to have further tests on his leg.

Weekly activities:

Each of the dogs get individual or group time in the paddocks every day for at least 30 minutes. Either running, playing or one to one dog walking, Cheddar needs 3 x 10 minute walks, on his own, to strengthen his wrist every day. Bingo, due to his bout of kennel cough, has had all his exercise away from the kennel blocks and on the North Downs.

350 meals provided for 25 dogs (ie Twice a day)

175 kennels cleaned for 25 dogs (ie Once a day) and three paddocks constantly 'poo-picked'

50 dog baskets stripped (ie 2 x week) and full blanket change which accounts for 30 washing machine cycles

This week specific activities:

- Stephanie has been at Fremlin Walk 3 times this week with volunteers spreading the Fetcher Dog message, with volunteers, Tracy and Sarah collecting monies to support our work.

- Jordan and Paul have been completing daily 7 related challenges throughout February, this weeks included an ice bucket challenge, 70km bike ride and eating 7 dog biscuits.

- We had three adoptions and six zoom calls

- Hours and hours of photographic and video content produced for the Fetcher Dog social Media channels.

- Rob from Waggle, our volunteer trainer has been on centre training the dogs but also filming content for his training video.

Phew!! And this coming week we have another 10 dogs arriving!!

The most concerning aspect of the week, is of course, the poorly and injured dogs, please consider donating funds, time through volunteering or items to Fetcher Dog to help our cause and mission.

Thank You

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