Fetcher Dog rescued Charlie from a kill shelter in Bosnia when our rescuer fell in love with his happy, smiley face

Trouper was found abandoned in the woods in Bosnia with his siblings as tiny puppies

Rupert has made our family complete. He is an absolute sweetheart and has settled into our family perfectly

Fetcher Dog rescued Benji from life on the streets of Bosnia. Benji had terrible mange when he was found but made a full recovery and finally found a forever home.

Waldo was rescued from a high kill shelter in Bosnia. He was too old to be sleeping in the cold and wet and spent months with us before he found his forever family.

Gracie was rescued from a high kill shelter in Bosnia. She had deep cuts around her neck because she had spent her life on a chain.

Misty (was Frankie) was rescued from the kill shelter in Bosnia in February 2018 after our trustees saw her desperately trying to escape

Archie came to us when a neighbour found him wandering across the road late at night. He had cuts all over his face and his fur was extremely dirty

Faith, Blondie, Kona and Lindy
Blondie, Kona and Faith were all rescued from the kill shelter in Bosnia and Lindy was rescued from the streets of Bosnia.

Teddie was rescued after being found on the side of a main road in Bosnia. His sibling had already been hit by a car on the road and he was so lucky to be found when he was.

Mila was rescued from a high kill shelter in Bosnia and taken to safety by our rescuers. Mila came to kennels in the U.K. in September 2018 and spent five months with us before she found her forever family.

Clover was found with her siblings on the streets of Bosnia with a broken jaw after being hit by a car. Clover was rushed to the vets and it was discovered her and all her sisters had Parvovirus and needed urgent care.