Clove and her puppies visit the local vets for their check up!!

Its been nearly three weeks since Clove had her eight puppies so a trip to the local vets was required. All nine were bundled (carefully) into the Fetcher Dog van and taken to Barton Vets in Canterbury ( Barton Veterinary Hospital & Surgery - CVS Group plc ( ) for a one hour appointment.
All the puppies and mother were checked over to confirm that they are well and there are no signs of illness or injury. They were also weighed.
The puppies are all healthy and have now opened their eyes which is fantastic news and testament to Clove's mothering skills (with a little help from the rescue centre staff)
They are all putting on weight, have healthy heart beats and have been given the all clear on any obvious birth defects.
Clove required some antibiotics, as a precaution for a slight infection.
It was a tiring, yet satisfactory, day all round.