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Fetcher Dog's Amazon Wish List, Etsy Collectibles Store, Jumble Sales and Online Auctions!! (Items and Volunteers Needed)


Fetcher Dog have a number of ways to that raise money for the dogs and to cover the operational costs of the rescue centre.

We run regular jumbles sales, quiz nights and 'meet the team' events at supermarkets and shopping centres and you can find details of these at:

Friends of Fetcher Dog | Facebook 

So if you have old and unused items, unwanted birthday or xmas gifts or just feel generous, please contact us.

Fetcher Dog are also using a number of platforms for online shopping, these items are donated to us by the general public and you can follow the links for more information:

Online Auction - Monthly - Fetcher Dog Auction Group | Facebook

Etsy - Ongoing - Fetcherstore - FetcherStore - Etsy UK 

The Etsy store is generally for more collectible items and has recently been set up with the help of our volunteer Lauren Cox who has sifted through the many items, researched, photographed and listed the items on the Etsy store..

Fetcher Dog are always looking for donated items and volunteers to help run this most valuable aspect of our fundraising.

We also have an Amazon wish list where you can purchase selected items for the centre which will be delivered directly to us.: 

If you would like to donate items or volunteer your time, please contact Stephanie at

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