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Please consider donating to our fundraisers in July, the first £500 donated will be doubled!!



Our little team at the Fetcher Dog rescue centre are taking on various challenges this month to raise much needed funds for our dogs.

We have also managed to secure £500 match funding so our first £500 worth of donations will be doubled!!!

Steph and Jordan are doing the Victoria Park 5k, Kayleigh is doing a wing walk and Jo is doing a 24 hour treadmill challenge!

We may also add a few smaller challengers throughout the month!

We are asked to rescue new dogs every day (literally every day) and we take on as many as we can afford to care for.

Not only so they need standard veterinary care to prepare them for adoption but many have other medical needs that need to be sorted when they arrive with us.

Please head to the link below to donate! I will be keeping you updated on the progress of the challenges!! 

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