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Thank you and Happy New Year!

What a year it has been...

We have all had many ups and downs but myself, Stephanie and the other trustees are so grateful for the support we have had this year. We have had so many successful fundraising campaigns, raffles and auctions and most importantly have rescued so many dogs from the streets and the kill shelters of Bosnia.

Despite travel restrictions, lockdowns and closed borders, we have managed to find forever families for 136 dogs this year. This is a record number for our little charity and we are so grateful to everyone that adopted one (or two) of our dogs. We are also so grateful to every person that has recommended us to a friend, shared a post on social media or told strangers about us whilst out and about walking our sweet doggies. These small acts of kindness can change the lives of our dogs and definitely have changed the lives of so many this year. 

So, thanks again to everyone for your support. We appreciate you and the dogs do too. 

Stay safe

Love, Jordan and Stephanie




1 comment

  • I have some dog toys that my dog just didn’t like so are pretty much unused. Are they of use to you?

    Shirley Coleman

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