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You all fell in love when this boy first arrived and now it’s time for us to find him a home of his own. This is Mowgli.

Mowgli came to us through the stray system when he was found abandoned with suspected acid burns on his body. 

He not only had a fresh burn on one of his sides, he had a healed burn on the other so he experienced cruelty on a number of occasions.

He is only nine months old.

When Mowgli first arrived, he was understandably scared and nervous but he sought comfort from us and enjoyed cuddles from us immediately.
He is such a loving boy and just wants to be loved.


Since his arrival, he has grown in confidence and has come on leaps and bounds. He loves to explore our fields and zoom around in excitement.
He loves playing with toys and is getting better and better at fetch but cuddling is still his favourite thing to do.
He will happily choose to sit on our laps in the field and roll over for long of belly rubs.


Mowgli is an Angel of a boy and we are very much in love with him but it is time for him to find a forever home of his own where he can get unlimited love and cuddles.

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