Call: 07958326036


Sex: Female

Date Of Birth: 10/2022

Size: Small/Medium

Breed: Mixed

Spayed/Neutered: No

Microchipped: Yes

Vaccinated: Yes

Location: Bosnia

Briar was rescued from the streets of Bosnia with her brother and sister, Bramble and Clove. They had been abandoned at the side of a road in an outlying village in Bosnia. They were taken to the kennels in Bosnia and are now ready for homes of their own. 

Briar is the shyest of her siblings but she has grown so much in confidence since she was rescued. She really loves food so that has helped her learn to trust our rescuers. Briar is a very lovely girl. She loves to play with all of the other dogs at the kennels. 

Briar has never lived in a home so will require full training upon adoption.