Payroll Giving
Payroll Giving is a scheme that enables employees to donate to a charity straight from their gross salary (before tax is deducted). It is one of the easiest ways to support your chosen cause. Any UK, EU, Norwegian or Icelandic charity that is recognised by HMRC for tax purposes can receive gifts this way.
what are the benefits?
-Give more for less. The tax that would normally be paid to the government can be gifted to the charity too.
-It’s easy, you’ll barely notice the donation as it is taken before your salary hits your bank account.
-It’s reliable income for the charity, enabling them to plan for the future.
-It counts as a sustainable corporate social responsibility initiative for your company.

Now what?
Your employees can select any charity for their monthly donations but we hope that you would recommend Fetcher Dog and our work to your employees. Your staff decide on the amount they want to donate each month and the charity/charities* that should receive it, and inform the payroll department, then the donation is taken automatically from their salary each month before tax. If your company is not signed up for Payroll Giving yet and you need some help to do so, Charities Trust can help with that. Charities Trust are an HMRC verified Giving Agent and can answer any and all questions that you have regarding Payroll Giving..